Friday, August 29, 2008


What a day for our country...I need to get to the after school rush but I wanted to say GO SARAH PALIN!!!!


Corie said...


Care said...

Yes Sir EEEEE! Sarah rocks! Fresh breath in our sails, eh Kids?
LJ ~ read my article on regarding Governor Sarah.

Also could you teach me how to add a song to my blog like you did? I'd like "Nearer to Thee" playing in the background. That'd be cool!

I read Amy Carmichael's biography ages ago.

Also so sorry to hear of Grandma Lyda's Glad Homecoming. Sorry for your Mama, Kathy B and all of her family that cherished her so. But as often is the case, the other side of the silver coin is this: She's safely in The Everlasting Arms while holding your Pearl. Goodness maybe Grandma and Pearl are cuttin' a jig to Robert's guitar strains? Wondrous thought...

Sure love you Laura Jean Yockey Huene. What a fine woman you are!

Anonymous said...

Do ya still think Sarah Palin is so hot? I've voted Republican since I became old enough to vote in 1972. But not this year. Palin is an embarrassment to the party, to the country and to her gender. What in the world was McCain smoking when he picked her?